Thank You For purchasing kartpul Woocommerce Theme.

Our team would be happy to help when you require. If you have any queries regarding the Theme, please feel free to drop us your query. We will get back to you with answers to your query within 24 hours.

Quick Installation

NOTE: The quick installation is for first time installation of theme on fresh WordPress.

You can Install/Configure Our Template Using Step by Step Instructions

Step-1 : Upload Theme Files.

You have two ways to install a theme.

1. First way: Upload Theme via FTP Client

  • Do not upload the Entire Zip File you get from TemplateMela. Please follow following Steps to upload theme via FTP:

Step 1: Extract the package, you have downloaded. In the package folder you will get below sub-folders.

Step 2: Extract the theme name zip file. Ex,

Step 3: After extracting zip file you will get one folder named theme. Ex, kartpul.

Step 4: Upload the theme folder under "wp-content/themes" directory.

2. Second way: Upload Theme via WordPress admin panel

  • Do not select the Entire Zip File you get from TemplateMela. Please follow following Steps to upload theme from Admin Panel:

Step 1: Goto > Appearance > Theme then click on Add New button to select theme.

Step 2: Then click on Upload Theme button to select theme.

Step 3: Then click on Browse and Go to the Package folder and select Theme. Press Install Now button to install the theme.

Step 4: Theme has been installed. Click on the Activate Button to activate the theme.

Step 5: Here you go. You are done with theme installation and activation Steps. Now theme setup Steps are left.

Step 2 : Install & Setup Plugins.

Click on Begin Installing Plugins.

Select install to installed all required and recommend plugins

NOTE : TM Install Plugins option will be disable when all plugins is activate.

Plugins has been successfully installed and activate too.

2.1 Plugin Configuration

WooCommerce Plugin

  • If WooCommerce Plugin not installed then follow below step to install. .

Step 1: Click on Add New
Step 2: Search "WooCommerce" plugin
Step 3: Search Plugin

Plugin Activate Successfully.

  • If WooSidebars Plugin not installed then follow below step to install WooSidebars Plugin. .

WooSidebars Plugin

Click on Plugins > Add New > Search the WooSidebars plugin.

Then Click on Install Now button > Active button

Contact Form 7

After installing the contact form 7 plugins you have to add some code to create contact form

Click on contact

then click on add new to create new contact form

After click on add new button copy the code and paste it to create the contact form same as our live demo.

<div class="text-col col-6"> <label> Your Name (required) </label> [text* your-name] </div> <div class="text-col col-6 last"> <label> Your Email (required) </label> [email* your-email] </div> <div class="text-col"> <label> Subject </label> [text your-subject] </div> <div class="text-area-col"> <label> Your Message </label> [textarea your-message] </div> [submit "Send"]

Now call the shortcode into the contact page.

After creating contact form add element Contact Form 7 and select your contact form for display contact form.

Step-3 : Import Sample Data, To import sample data by traditional way, please follow these steps:

Step 1: Go to Admin Panel > Appearance > Tools > Click on Import.

Step 2: Click on WordPress (last option).

If you do not have installed WordPress Installer then only follow below Step.

Click on Install Now to install WordPress Installer.

Click on Activate Plugin & Run Importer to activate WordPress Installer.

Step 3: Click on Browse button to select the Sample Data file.

Step 4: Select kartpul.WordPress.XML file to import sample data posts, pages, portfolios, menus etc. Then Click on Upload File and Import button.

Step 5: Select the Author you want to assign the user of sample data as author.

You MUST CHECK Download and import file attachment Option to get the images to be Imported. Press the Submit button

If you are not checking this checkbox, you will not be able to get the images and you will get "Failed to import Media". Still do not bother about this message. Only the thing is you will not get images, which you definitely will replace for your store.

Step 6: You are done with sample data import. Please check your posts, pages, portfolios and menus.

Revolution Slider Configuration

Import revolution slider

Import revolution slider from Admin > Revolution Slider > Click on Import Slider > Browse the files from sample data/ -> Click on import Slider button -> submit

For More Details regarding Revolution Slider refer this documentation.

Step-4 : Page Configuration

Homepage Configuration

Go to Admin > Settings > Reading > Reading settings

To display Homepage as landing page and posts listing page as Blog page follow below Steps:

Step 1: Select "A Static Page" option
Step 2: Select Homepage as Front Page
Step 3: Select Blog page as Posts Page
Step 4: Save Changes

WooCommercepage Configuration

WooCommerce Products Configuration

Admin Panel > Woocommerce > Settings > Products to change the Products settings.

Step 1: Click on Products tab
Step 2: Select "Shop" as Shop Page
Step 3: Save Changes

WooCommerce Payments Configuration

Admin Panel > Woocommerce > Settings > Payments to Select Payment Method.

Step 1: Click on Payments tab
Step 2: Select "Payment Method" as you want to display
Step 3: Save Changes

WooCommerce Account & Privacy Configuration

Admin Panel > Woocommerce > Settings > Accounts & Privacy

Step 1: Click on Accounts & Privacy tab
Step 2: Check "Allow customers to create an account on the My account page " in Guest checkout as you want to display
Step 2: and Below Privacy policy select "term and Conditions" Page In Privacy Page as you want to display
Step 3: Save Changes

WooCommerce Checkout,Cart, My Account Configuration

Admin Panel > Woocommerce > Settings > Advanced to Select the Checkout Process and Cart Page and Account Page.

Step 1: Click on Advanced tab
Step 2: Select "Cart" as Cart Page
Step 3: Select "Checkout" as Checkout Page
Step 4: Select "My Account" as My Account Page
Step 5: Select "Terms and Conditions" as Terms and Conditions Page
Step 6: Save Changes

WooCommerce Shipping Configuration

Admin Panel > Woocommerce > Settings > Shipping to change the Shipping settings.

Step 1: Click on Shipping tab
Step 2: Click on Shipping Options tab
Step 3: Select "Enable shipping" as Shipping Calculations
Step 4: Save Changes

Step 5: To Add Shipping method and zones follow this document

How to Add Shipping method and zones ?

Select Checkbox and Enable other shipping method like Free Shipping , International Flat Rate , Local Delivery as Flat Rate.

Step-6 : Shop Configuration

  • We are providing different customizer For Shop Configuration.

1. First option

Step 1: Go to Appearance > Customize
Step 2: Select Woocommerce Tab
Step 3: Select Product Images Tab
Step 4: Final Set The Product Size And Thumbnail cropping As Mentioned And Click On Publish Button

2. Second option

Step 1: Go to Appearance > Customize
Step 2: Select Woocommerce Tab
Step 3: Select Product Catalog Tab
Step 4: Final Set From Dropdown As Mentioned And Click On Publish Button

Step 1: Shop Page Display

Choose what to display on the main shop page.

Select Show Products From Dropdown.

Step 2: Category Display

Choose what to display on product category pages.

Select Show subcategories From Dropdown.

Step 3: Default Product Sorting

How should products be sorted in the catalog by default?

Select Default sorting (custom ordering + name)

Step 4: Products Per Row

How many products should be shown per row?

set 3 Products

Step 5: Rows Per Page

How many rows of products should be shown per page?

set 4 Rows

Step 6: Grid / List Default

Choose which format products should display in by default.

Grid Or List

Step-7 : Theme Widget Configuration

Widget Area Configuration

Shop Sidebar

  • if widget-area Shop Sidebar NOT available then follow below Step to Create Shop Sidebar Widget area.

step 1 : Click on Appearance
step 2 : Click on Widget Areas
step 3 : Enter Title for widget arera
step 4 : Click on Pages Tab from conditions.
step 5 : Select Pages in which you want to display shop sidebar widget area.

step 6 : Click on Advanced TAB
step 7 : Click on Post Types TAB
step 8 : Select Post Type pages in which you want to display shop sidebar widget area.

step 9 : Click on Taxonomy Archives TAB
step 10 : Select Taxonomy Archives pages in which you want to display shop sidebar widget area.

step 11 : Then Click on Woocommerce TAB
step 12 : Select Woocommerce pages in which you want to display shop sidebar widget area.

step 13 : Select Main Sidebar to replace
step 14 : After set all Condition save widgetarea by Click on Publish / Update Button.

We Provide You different widgets area for making your site dynamic.

  • These are the widget areas which are used in this WCM050116 theme.

You can import the widget settings using Widget Importer & Exporter follow the below steps

You have already installed Widget Importer & Exporter plugin.
Step: 1 Tools -> Widget Importer & Exporter.
Step: 2 Browse WCM050109_package \ Sample Data \ kartpul_widget_settings.wie
Step: 3 import button.

After successful widget setting you will see below screen.

Also you can set it one by one here as below.

Theme Widgets

1 : Shopsidebar Area

You can Drag and Drop Product Categories, Filter Products by price, Filter Products by Attribute, Product Tag Cloud, Products into Shop Sidebar Area

Product Categories
Title: Product categories
Select: Order by Name
Check: Show Hierarchy & Show product counts

Filter Products by price
Title: Filter by Price

Filter Products by Attribute
Title: Filter by Attribute

Product Tag Cloud
Title: Product Tags

Title: On-Sale
Number of products to show: 2

2 : Main Sidebar Area

You can Drag and drop Search, Recent Posts, Recent Comments, Archives, Categories, Meta into Main Sidebar Area

3 : Header Shopping Cart Widget Area

You can Drag and drop WooCommerce Cart into Header Shopping Cart Widget Area.

4 : Header Search Widget Area

You can Drag and drop Product Search Widget into Header Search Widget Area.

5 : Product Category Widget Area

You can Drag and drop Product Categories into Product Category Widget Area.

6 : First Footer Widget Area

You can Drag and drop Static Links into First Footer Widget Area.

Product Categories
Title: Any Title
Link Text: About Us
link URL: #

7 : Second Footer Widget Area

You can Drag and drop Static Links Widget into Second Footer Widget Area.

Footer Contact Us
Title: Contact With Us
Address: Your Address..
link URL: #
Phone No: (+00) 123456789

8 : Third Footer Widget Area

You can Drag and drop Static Links Widget into Third Footer Widget Area.

Static Links Widget
Title: Earning With Us
Link Text: Become an Affiliate
link URL: #

9 : Fourth Footer Widget Area

You can Drag and drop Static Links Widget into Fourth Footer Widget Area.

Static Links Widget
Title: Let Us Help You
Link Text: Your Account
link URL: #

10 : Fifth Footer Widget Area

You can Drag and drop Gallery Widget into Fifth Footer Widget Area.

Static Links Widget
Title: Download Apps
Edit Gallery: Upload gallery image

11 : Footer Bottom Widget Area

You can Drag and drop Image, Newsletter and Follow Us Widget into Fifth Footer Widget Area.

Static Links Widget
Image: Upload Image
Title: Any Title
Introduction: Your Intro...
Link Text: Your Text
link URL: #

11 : Footer Product Tag Area

You can Drag and drop Product Tag into Footer Product Tag Area.

12 : Footer Payment Method Widget Area

You can Drag and drop Woocommerce Accepted Payment Method into Footer Payment Method Widget Area.

Step 8 : Customizer Configuration

Customizer Configuration

You can import the widget settings using Customizer Export\Import Plugin follow the below steps

You have already installed Customizer Export\Import Plugin.
Step: 1 Appearance ->Customizer.
Step: 2 Browse WCM050109_package\Sample Data\WP_Theme_customizer.dat
Step: 3 import button.

Follow this Path.

Step 1 : Click on Customizer

Step 2 : Click on Export/Import Data

Step 3 : Select DAT file form Sample Data > WP_Theme_customizer.dat file > check on download and image import file > import.

Step 4 : wait for while your data is imported..

Step-9 : Theme Translation

For translating the theme you need to add the plugin WPML.

For adding WPML plugin follow below Steps:
Step 1: Go to admin panel
Step 2: Click on plugins option
Step 3: Add New plugin
Step 4: Upload plugin
Step 5: Select the directory where the plugin resides and install it.
Step 6: Activate plugin.

As this plugin is pro version you have to buy it we don't provide it with our theme package.

Step 9.1 : Language Setup

The languages section allows you to turn a WordPress site multilingual.
To manage languages, go to WPML > Languages .
When you configure WPML for the first time, you need to choose the language of existing content.

You follow up this documentation for more on how to setup language.
Language Setup

Display the language switcher

You can display the language switcher in sidebar, in the footer by selecting the options available when you setup a new language.

Step 9.2 : Select Theme Translate Option

WPML allows to get translations for texts in themes and plugins in who ways:
1) The traditional .mo files (good for when you already got that with the theme).
2) Translating the theme’s texts directly from WPML

Select translating the theme by WPML option.
And click on Save button.

Step 9.3 : Scan Theme Strings for translation

After you clicked on save button you would be able to see the option strings in the theme.
Click on scan the theme for strings.
And it will display the strings that are translated and not translated.

Step 9.4 : String Translation

WPML’s String Translation module is part of the Multilingual CMS package. To enable it, you first need to download and install from your account.
Then, go to WPML->String Translation.

1) Add the translation of the text into your language.
2) Check the box for translation is complete.
3) And the save the translation.
4) Same way translate all the strings that are not translated.

Step-10 : Troubleshooting

Step 10.1 : Troubleshooting Theme Installation

The eCommerce theme should be installed without any errors, but here are the most common errors and the solutions

The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet.

One of the most common reasons people have issues is because they try uploading the full zip that includes demo content, theme, documentation…etc which displays the “The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet.” error. Please make sure you are uploading only the installable theme which is called

Are you sure you want to do this?.

It means you have an upload file size limit. You need to install the theme or plugins via FTP, or contact your hosting provider to increase the limit.

White Screen Of Death or PHP Error Notice.

A “white screen of death” happens when there is a PHP error on the site but WP_Debug isn’t enabled on the server. So the first thing to do would be to enable WP_Debug so you can read what the actual error is and thus fix the problem.

Step 10.2 : Troubleshooting the Demo Content Import

Revolution Slider Error: Slider with alias not found.

This error message means that the slider you are referencing for (either in a shortcode or in a PHP function) does not exist. Read our How to Import Revolution Sliders article to learn how to import Revolution Sliders and you need to import the slider that has alias are not found.

Demo Content Import Fails.

If the import stalls and fails to respond after a few minutes, or it fails with a simple error message like Import failed, You are suffering from PHP configuration limits that are set too low to complete the process. You should contact your hosting provider and ask them to increase those limits to a minimum as follows:

  • max_execution_time: 300
  • memory_limit: 500M
  • post_max_size: 512M
  • upload_max_filesize: 256M

500 Internal Server Error.

There are many reasons why these errors occur in WordPress. One of the reasons it is PHP memory limits set too low. You should contact your hosting provider and ask them to increase those limits to a minimum as follows:

  • max_execution_time: 300
  • memory_limit: 500M
  • post_max_size: 512M
  • upload_max_filesize: 256M

There is one child theme listed below.

  1. 2).  


  2. 3).  

    kartpul_Electronics (Layout3)

  3. 4).  

    kartpul_Auto (Layout4)

  4. 5).  

    kartpul_Electronics (Layout5)

  5. 6).  

    kartpul_Vegetables (Layout6)

  6. 7).  

    kartpul_Kitchen (Layout7)

  7. 8).  

    kartpul_Fashion (Layout8)

  8. 9).  

    kartpul_Tools (Layout9)

  9. 10). 

    kartpul_Kids (Layout10)

Step-1 : Upload Child Theme Files.

  • Please, read the whole section, before attempting to install the theme.
  • We recommend to use this theme on a clean installation or existing shops without custom modifications.

You have two ways to install a theme.

1. First way: Upload Theme from Admin panel

  • Do not select the Entire Zip File you get from TemplateMela. Please follow following Steps to upload theme from Admin Panel:

Step 1: Goto > Appearance > Theme then click on Add New button to select parent theme.

Step 2: Then click on Upload Theme button to select parent theme.

Step 3: Then click on Browse and Go to the Package folder and select Parent Theme. Press Install Now button to install the parent theme.

Step 4: Parent Theme has been installed. But don't activate the parent theme.

Step 5: Now you have to upload your child theme same as parent theme.

Step 6: Child Theme has been installed. Now activate the child theme.

Step 7: Here you go. You are done with theme installation and activation Steps. Now theme setup Steps are left.

2. Second way: Upload Theme from FTP

  • Do not upload the Entire Zip File you get from TemplateMela. Please follow following Steps to upload theme via FTP:

Step 1: Extract the package, you have downloaded. In the package folder you will get below sub-folders.

Step 2: Extract the theme name zip file. Ex,

Step 3: After extracting zip file you will get one folder named theme. Ex, androlin.

Step 4: Now Upload the theme folder under "wp-content/themes" directory.

Step-3 : Import XML file and Widget file Same as parent theme

3.1: Follow these steps to import sample data:

Before this step please check all required plugins are activated and check your server setting first. below details are for server settings.

These defaults are not perfect and it depends on how large of an import you are making. So the bigger the import, the higher the numbers should be.

Step 1: To import sample data by one click, Go to Admin Panel > Appearance > Import Demo Data.

Step 2: Please "Activate Your Child Theme" and "Install All Required Plugin". After that Click On Import Button

then wait for while.....

All Data is imported now check it.....

After import always check the log file.....

The log file should be available in the wp-admin -> Media section. Check for any useful information.

If you don't find the log file in the Media section, you can find them on your server. The log files used in the demo import will be saved to the default WordPress uploads directory. An example of that directory would be: ../wp-content/uploads/2019/05/.

3.2: Follow these steps to import sample data by traditional way:

Step 1: Go to Admin Panel > Appearance > Tools > Click on Import.

Step 2: Click on WordPress (last option).

Step 3: Click on Browse button to select the Sample Data file.

Step 4: Select androlin_furniture.WordPress.XML file to import sample data posts, pages, portfolios, menus etc. Then Click on Upload File and Import button.

Step 5: Select the Author you want to assign the user of sample data as author.

You MUST CHECK Download and import file attachment Option to get the images to be Imported. Press the Submit button

If you are not checking this checkbox, you will not be able to get the images and you will get "Failed to import Media". Still do not bother about this message. Only the thing is you will not get images, which you defiantly will replace for your store.

Step 6: You are done with sample data import. Please check your posts, pages, portfolios and menus.

Step-6 : Child Widget Configuration








