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  • Product on sale

    Amaranthus 1 Bunch (Approx 160 g - 1500 g)

    4.00 out of 5

    Amaranthus is a perennial plant that is very rich in Fibers. It is also known to be rich in Vitamins, Proteins, Calcium and Magnesium. It is available in numerous varieties and can be added to different Salad recipes for consumption. Buy Amaranthus 1 Bunch (Approx 130 g - 250 g) online now.

  • Grapefruit Pink Premium Imported 1 pc (Approx 270 g - 3400 g)

    4.00 out of 5

    Grapefruit Pink is a citrus wonder with a tangy profile ending on a sweet note. The rind is firm, smooth, yellow-orange with an occasional pink blush. The inside flesh is intense pink, tender, excessively juicy with a refreshing aroma.

    Pink Grapefruit is sweeter than most grapefruits. It is a hydrating fruit and also a rich source of Vitamin C.

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