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  • Product on sale

    Amaranthus 1 Bunch (Approx 160 g - 1500 g)

    4.00 out of 5

    Amaranthus is a perennial plant that is very rich in Fibers. It is also known to be rich in Vitamins, Proteins, Calcium and Magnesium. It is available in numerous varieties and can be added to different Salad recipes for consumption. Buy Amaranthus 1 Bunch (Approx 130 g - 250 g) online now.

  • Avocado Premium Imported 6 pc (Approx 1.55 kg - 1.8 kg)

    5.00 out of 5

    Avocado Hass offers a nutty and buttery taste that finishes on a slightly sweet note. The skin is thick, pebbled and easy to peel. It turns from green to blackish purple as it ripens. The flesh is pale green, turning yellowish as it reaches the stone. It is smooth and creamy in texture with good oil content. Hass is popularly called the king of Avocados and is known for its classic Avocado flavour. It is one of the most delicious, nutritious, and commercially popular Avocados worldwide. It is rich in Vitamin K, Folate and Dietary Fibre. Avocado family pack means health and taste for the whole family. Enjoy daily as a spread on toast, or make a dip for your nachos or tacos

  • Coconut Tender Premium Indian 3 Pc (Approx 1pcs - 10pcs)

    5.00 out of 5

    Tender Coconut or the young tough green Coconut offers a nutritious, pleasantly sweet water mostly known as coconut juice. It offers a jelly-like fresh white flesh with a very nutty sweet flavour.Coconut water is an excellent ingredient for mocktails and beverages. It is a hydrating drink and a summer favourite. Our selectively handpicked coconuts are assured of good quantity of water. Coconut water is very nutritious and provides health benefits to every age group and gender. It contains Vitamin C and is also great for glowing skin and healthy hair. That's enough reason for the whole family to make coconut water a daily habit.

  • Grapefruit Pink Premium Imported 1 pc (Approx 270 g - 3400 g)

    4.00 out of 5

    Grapefruit Pink is a citrus wonder with a tangy profile ending on a sweet note. The rind is firm, smooth, yellow-orange with an occasional pink blush. The inside flesh is intense pink, tender, excessively juicy with a refreshing aroma.

    Pink Grapefruit is sweeter than most grapefruits. It is a hydrating fruit and also a rich source of Vitamin C.

  • Musk Melon 1 pc (Approx. 400 g - 5500 g)

    4.00 out of 5

    Musk Melon has ribbed, netted, or smooth skin. Its outer skin is usually off-white or yellow in the shade while it is peach in colour from the inside and has many seeds in between. It has a sweet, musky taste and high sugar content that lingers on the tongue for a long time. Fully ripen Musk Melon offers a juicy, smooth, and sweet taste. It also has a high water content, which makes you feel full after having the fruit. So go ahead and buy Musk Melon 1 pc (Approx. 600 g - 900 g) today.

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