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  • Black Tea Blends

    4.00 out of 5

    Cinnamon is known to help relax muscle tension, which in turn might help you fall asleep easier. Additionally, the combination of cinnamon and apple flavors in this tea.

  • Crunchy Red Tea

    5.00 out of 5

    Combine that to what is considered the go-to tea base for relaxation, chamomile, and you’ve got yourself a really nice beverage to assist with winding down at the end of the night.

  • Da Hong Pao Tea

    4.00 out of 5

    Lavender and vanilla combine with other ingredients to bring a fragrant and delicious twist on the classic Earl Grey tea. Vanilla and lavender have both been used for relaxation.

  • Eco-sip Darjeeling tea

    4.00 out of 5

    Slurp your tea to draw it across your palate. Take note of how the flavor may alter or dissipate. What characteristics do notice first. How does the liquor feel on your tongue.

  • Gopaldhara Darjeeling Tea

    5.00 out of 5

    The ingredients are thought to produce sedative effects that can help alleviate those feelings. Keep in mind, if you choose this blend you will also get a kick of energy from the black tea.

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    Jeju Orchid Green Tea

    4.00 out of 5

    this blend is indulgent without any calories. People believe that peppermint tea is a great ingredient for those who want to focus. Taming the monkey mind can make you feel less scattered and stressed out.

  • Loose Leaf Teas

    5.00 out of 5

    Nam tristique porta ligula, vel viverra sem eleifend nec. Nulla sed purus augue, eu euismod tellus. Nam mattis eros nec mi sagittis sagittis. Vestibulum suscipit cursus bibendum.


  • Product on sale

    Milky Oolong Tea

    4.00 out of 5

    Experience the smooth, earthy, and spice-forward flavors of turmeric. Turmeric has long been honored in India’s ayurvedic healing traditions as a whole-body cleanser.

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    Oolong Tea date

    4.00 out of 5

    Smooth, lush, and subsequently often (but not necessarily) timid in flavor; not a negative term.Describes liquor having substance, but not necessarily strength.

  • Rose Herbal Tea

    4.00 out of 5

    A lively and mouth-drying effect on the tongue. Not bitter, but a clean and refreshing quality. The sensation of astringency is caused by a reaction between polyphenols.

  • Souchong Leaf Tea

    4.00 out of 5

    References a positive sensation of body and good heft; indicates a well-made tea, possessing color, strength, substance and roundness.

  • Taimu Tea Valley

    5.00 out of 5

    In a professional tea tasting setting, it is encouraged that you smell the leaves before and after steeping. The aroma (also known as the nose) can often reveal subtle nuances.

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