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  • Grapefruit Pink Premium Imported 1 pc (Approx 270 g - 3400 g)

    4.00 out of 5

    Grapefruit Pink is a citrus wonder with a tangy profile ending on a sweet note. The rind is firm, smooth, yellow-orange with an occasional pink blush. The inside flesh is intense pink, tender, excessively juicy with a refreshing aroma.

    Pink Grapefruit is sweeter than most grapefruits. It is a hydrating fruit and also a rich source of Vitamin C.

  • Musk Melon 1 pc (Approx. 400 g - 5500 g)

    4.00 out of 5

    Musk Melon has ribbed, netted, or smooth skin. Its outer skin is usually off-white or yellow in the shade while it is peach in colour from the inside and has many seeds in between. It has a sweet, musky taste and high sugar content that lingers on the tongue for a long time. Fully ripen Musk Melon offers a juicy, smooth, and sweet taste. It also has a high water content, which makes you feel full after having the fruit. So go ahead and buy Musk Melon 1 pc (Approx. 600 g - 900 g) today.

  • Pineapple Queen 1 pc (Approx 450 g - 2200 g)

    4.00 out of 5

    Pineapples have a tough rind made up of hexagonal units and a fibrous, juicy flesh which may be yellow to white in color. Pineapple fruit is commonly eaten fresh or it may be cooked in a variety of dishes. Pineapple may also be canned or used to produce juice. Buy Pineapple Queen 1 pc (Approx 700 g - 1200 g) online now.

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